1) Are members of both CRID and RID,
2) Have voting rights at their local affiliate business meetings and at the CRID Annual Business Meeting.
3) Those wishing to vote at an annual business meeting must have joined RID prior to the date of the annual business meeting, with verification from either the RID database or a valid RID membership card,
4) Are eligible for CRID scholarships,
5) May hold state or local affiliate office.
1) Receive discounts to CRID functions,
2) Receive a copy of the CRID directory to be picked up at a local affiliate meeting,
3) Who are students enrolled in state-approved interpreter preparation programs, are entitled to student discounts at CRID functions.
4) May vote on local affiliate matters only.
Organizations wishing to show support of CRID may do so by paying an annual membership fee.
Organizational members receive the following benefits:
A. Copy of all CRID publications.
B. Annual recognition with publication of the organization's name and principal activities in a newsletter.
C. Their name published in the CRID directory.
D. Can have a link to their website, upon request and approval.
E. Can submit workshop and job announcements to be posted to the website upon board approval.
1) Are members of (Student Colorado Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf) SCRID, which is any CRID-affiliated student organization,
2) Vote in their own meetings,
3) Receive the CRID newsletter,
4) Receive a student discount to CRID workshops and conferences
5) The SCRID affiliate group sends its president and another representative to attend the CRID local affiliate's meetings. These
representatives pay CRID individual membership dues.
6) SCRID members who are full CRID members may apply for CRID scholarships.
*Note: We offer a 30 day grace period from June 1-30, if you renew during the month of June, it will be applied to the next fiscal year.
If you have any further questions, please email: memberchair@coloradorid.org
CRID prefers you join and renew via Zeffy. However, if you prefer to fill out a paper form and send a check, please send to:
Colorado Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
P.O. Box 1881
Monument, Colorado 80132